Jay Gatsby’s character is filled with mystery. In the first chapters, Gatsby is left with many unanswered questions. Gatsby’s poverty was revealed. He worked his uphill climb from that point. Fitzgerald shares Gatsby’s views, particularly his idealistic thoughts. Gatsby’s goal is to become wealthy and to have a position above the rest of humanity. Gatsby

Fitzgerald creates the image of Gatsby to illustrate his idealism. Fitzgerald compares Gatsby’s dreams to the “secret place” which is “above all trees”. The descriptions show that Gatsby wants to move up in society and become a member of the elite. Gatsby, the character in the book, was once poor. Daisy’s father disapproved him for his poverty. Gatsby might seem to want money so he can spend time with Daisy. But this isn’t the case. Fitzgerald depicts a ladder connecting the secret place Gatsby is seeking to the earth. Gatsby knows that he must “climb alone” this ladder, meaning that Daisy will not be joining him. Gatsby’s secret hideaway is where he can get the “incomparable Milk of Wonder”. He doesn’t want to become wealthy, but rich enough to touch the supernatural. Nick called Gatsby “the Son Of God” in the past. Gatsby is described in this way. Gatsby has a lot of wealth, and yet he’s a real man.

Gatsby has a clear motive, but it is important to explore the way he achieves his goals. Though he is clearly in love with Daisy, he appears to not be. Fitzgerald wrote that he kissed Daisy only after he heard a “tuning-fork struck on a star”. This language makes the kiss seem planned rather than spontaneous. Gatsby would not need to listen to any signs if their kiss were spontaneous. This kiss has a deeper meaning than simply being an expression or love. Fitzgerald says this kiss will “forever bind his unutterable thoughts to her perishable breathing”. Gatsby says that Daisy is the only way he can become wealthy. He doesn’t love her personality or company. He wants his rich fantasies to be reflected in her. Gatsby is drawn to Daisy because she comes from a wealthy family. Fitzgerald is aware that Daisy won’t be able satisfy Gatsby because Gatsby has “unutterable visions” and Daisy’s breath is “perishable”. Fitzgerald declares that “incarnation is complete” after kissing Daisy. The word incarnation refers to a human being who becomes a god.


  • zoeybarker

    Zoey Barker is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from the UK. She started blogging in 2010 as a way to share her thoughts and experiences on a variety of topics, and has since developed her blog into a full-time career. Zoey also teaches blogging and internet marketing courses, and has helped hundreds of people learn how to create successful online businesses.