Nick Bostrom’s book “Superintelligence – Paths, Dangers and Strategies” explores the future of computers. It includes what it will take to create smarter computers than humans, how it will work, and why it should be done right to ensure that the human race doesn’t go extinct. Will artificial agents save us or doom us? Nick Bostrom is the one who lays the foundations for intelligent life and understanding the future. Some capabilities are unique to the human brain that other animals don’t have. These unique capabilities are what give our species its dominance. This new superintelligence, which could surpass human intelligence in general intelligence, would be extremely powerful. The fate of gorillas is now more dependent on humans than the species, and the same could be said for humankind. One advantage is that we get to move first. Can it be done to create an artificial seed intelligence? How can one control a detonation of explosives?

Nick Bostrom has some ideas about these questions in his work.

Is there a book that has given you the most surprising thought?

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking have all expressed grave concerns over the advancement of artificial intelligence technology. They fear that this will lead to the demise of humanity. Nick Bostrom explores the subject in his book and discusses many details concerning the future research into AI.

The book’s core argument is that the first superintelligence ever created will have a decisive lead over all others. This system will dictate the world’s “preferences and can probably overcome any resistance human beings may mount. Unfortunately, the artificial agent’s preferences could lead to the destruction of all human life and the most human values. The inevitable outcome is disaster. Bostrom also asserts that we’re not out of reach even though his initial premise is false. A unipolar superintelligence will never appear. He says it will be difficult, but not impossible, to engineer superintelligences with preferences that are friendly to humans and can be controlled.

Will we be able to create artificial agents that will defeat us? Are the machines capable of rebelling against us? Frankly speaking, it is scary to think about AI agents, robots, taking control of humans. Humankind must ask these questions before we can create super-intelligent machines. This idea and concept are very relevant to me. Artificial agents are constantly being created and our world is changing. Nick Bostrom’s book “Superintelligence” reveals the possible consequences of artificial intelligence for humanity. But, most importantly, these consequences are the worst. Artificial superintelligence, however, will be a completely new type of intelligent entity. Therefore, it is important to discover all its benefits and advantages. Over and above using artificial intelligence to benefit our species, the first goal for humanity should be to preserve and respect the radical alterity of artificial minds that we create. This strategy will, in the end, give us a better chance of peaceful coexistence and artificial superintelligence than any of Bostrom’s strategies for “control” and “value load (getting AIs into alignment with human values). AI agents can be used in everyday life and in the creation of new technologies. Some jobs that depend on data collection or assembly lines will be automated by artificial intelligence, especially those that require it. AI will also be a great tool for businesses to respond quickly to customer requests — AI chatbots, virtual assistants, and conversational AI chatbots will handle the day-today work flow. Artificial intelligence will manage 85% of customer interactions by 2020, according to estimates. AI agents are able to significantly improve our lives.

Is it possible for Superintelligence to be achieved?

Artificial superintelligence (ASI), though a concept that has tantalized and tainted the imagination for a long time, is only now that we have begun to look at the ethical and technical problems involved in creating and managing high-level artificial intelligence. Artificially intelligent machines are replacing the human workforce in the factories. It is believed that 15% of American manufacturing jobs have been lost to foreign countries. Automation accounts for the other 85%. It is replacing doctors when diagnosing illness. It is replacing taxi driver. It composes music. Robots are almost all the staff at a Japanese restaurant and hotel. This is only the tip of the iceberg. In his book, Nick Bostrom estimates that it is possible to have an AI that is more intelligent than humans by the end century. Scientists might be the only group that actively suppresses the desire to predict the future. Because they are data-driven and conservative, scientists might not be comfortable making predictions about the future. This is because it requires faith. Although there are many variables that could affect the final outcome, even if the data is robust enough to make a prediction, it’s not possible to predict the future. It’s not easy to predict the future. However, scientists would prefer to use their knowledge constructively. The world has certainly changed over the last 100 years.

The first world war engulfed much of the globe in 1918. 1918 also saw the outbreak of the flu pandemic. It claimed between 20 and 40 million lives, more than any war. Congress created time zones including Daylight Savings Time and issued the first stamp for U.S. mail. Our achievements are remarkable when we look back. Today, scientists are striving for new results. A new neuronal network was created recently that can significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching robots how to think like humans. The network is known as a reservoir computer system. It uses memristors. This allows it to anticipate future outcomes and even predict words that will be said in conversation. It can also process photos and identify human faces accurately, thanks to its experience with other photos.

This progress is allowing us to achieve artificial superintelligence. It will be a new type of intelligent entity.


  • zoeybarker

    Zoey Barker is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from the UK. She started blogging in 2010 as a way to share her thoughts and experiences on a variety of topics, and has since developed her blog into a full-time career. Zoey also teaches blogging and internet marketing courses, and has helped hundreds of people learn how to create successful online businesses.